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Relaxing Side Effects of Kava | Root of Happiness

What Are the Side Effects of Kava?

Kava is a popular topic these days. There is conflicting information available about how to drink kava tea and the effects of kava. One reason may be a result of people using the wrong type of kava. Kava is extracted from the root of the piper methysticum plant. This type of kava produces effects that have been described as calming and reduces tension. The farmers who harvest noble kava know the roots produce positive effects. However, there are some farmers who care less about quality and more about quantity. These farmers will use the leaves and stems of the plant to...

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Samoan Culture and Kava: Using the Tanoa and Fue | Root of Happiness

Samoan Culture and Kava: Using the Tanoa and Fue

Samoa is a group of islands in the South Pacific. Kava is called “ava” in the their culture, which varies from other islands in the Pacific Islands. Kava has immense importance in Samoan culture and is consumed at most celebrations. It is also consumed by leaders of the communities. In more recent times the effects of kava can be experienced by all villagers, but historically kava was reserved for a select few. For example, centuries ago, specific leaders would reserve kava for welcoming dignitaries, royalty and others of significant importance. It would have been considered a great honor to be asked to attend a kava ceremony. Drinking...

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Reverse Tolerance of Kava | Root of Happiness

What is Reverse Tolerance of Kava?

Why do some people use kava and not feel a thing, while others drink it once and experience all its benefits? How do two people drink the same amount of beer but only one of them gets drunk? Or, some people can take two aspirin for pain while others need to take six. This mystery has a lot to do with tolerance and reverse tolerance. Understanding these will help you understand why effects differ among people, no matter what the substance. The amount of substances we take depends on how much of the substance we need to achieve desired results. Each person...

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Traditional Kava Preparation and Kava Ceremonies | Root of Happiness

Traditional Kava Preparation and Kava Ceremonies

Oceana, the South Pacific Islands, is an almost magical place on this Earth. It is exotic and beautiful. Just visualizing the islands within this region offers a calming feeling. Oceana is comprised of three main regions, all with distinct cultural histories. Immersed in each region’s culture is the use of kava kava or often called just kava. Each area has their own traditions surrounding the use of kava. These traditions include both the kava preparation and the ceremonial uses. It has been stated that kava was domesticated to these parts of the worlds around three thousand years ago. Understanding the regions that...

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