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Is Kava Addictive? | Root of Happiness

Is Kava Addictive?

Some people compare kava to addictive substances because it can be mind-altering. However, they are not the same. Kava alters your mind in a positive way, for a brief period. Kava has been used for centuries and has been studied and tested. Kava has been determined to be safe. However, many people still ask: is kava addictive? Kava has not been found to be addictive among users. Even those who take kava daily report that at times when they do stop using it, they do not experience withdrawal symptoms. Meaning, they do not have symptoms that make them feel they...

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How to Prepare Kava | Root of Happiness

How to Prepare Kava

Are you ready to start drinking kava? You probably have heard by now that drinking kava helps you feel calm and relaxed. It also gives you a happy outlook towards others and about life in general. It does all of this without the risk of addiction or negative side effects. If you are ready to try kava, you may have found yourself wondering how to prepare kava. There are several steps to preparing kava the right way for the best results. As you will read, preparing kava has advanced in more recent years. We'll explore how to prepare kava the traditional way, and...

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Kava and Kratom Plant Differences | Root of Happiness

The Differences Between Kava and Kratom

There is a lot of buzz recently about the amazing benefits of kava. This may be why some companies are trying to capitalize on this buzz by marketing products like kratom. Misleading information is given to buyers, causing them to think there is a big similarity between kava and kratom. Kava and kratom are not similar. To be fair, they do start with the same letter of the alphabet and they both produce stimulant or sedative reactions. But as far as geography of where it is grown, chemical makeup, biological effects, side effects and even how it is prepared and taken,...

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Root of Happiness Fresh Green Mahakea Review by the Kavasseur and Mr. Chuggs

Doug -"This is the best Kava feeling I've had in YEARS...On a scale from 1 to 10, I'm a 9.5 Krunk" Mr. Chuggs - "Some people define a strong kava by how hard it hits and this totally contests that. This is the strongest kava I've ever had, but does it hit me hard? Nah, It hits me like a pillow."  

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