Articles — uses of kava

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4 Myths About Kava Root Supplements | Root of Happiness

4 Myths about Kava Root

As the popularity of kava root supplements is growing, so are the myths. Some of the benefits of kava include being able to focus and concentrate while also feeling calm. It also reduces tension in the body, and promotes relaxation.  Each new product placed on the market seems to be followed by a large amount of controversy. Some say it works, some say it doesn’t work. The main reason this happens is because typically there are no long-term evidence surrounding mostly man-made supplements. With kava root supplements, however, it has been used for around 3,000 years with very few objections. And the...

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Uses of Kava | Root of Happiness

5 Uses of Kava Kava

Kava is not a drink that was created just to make people feel good, even though that does happen. There are many uses of kava. For thousands of years, kava has been a tradition in the cultures of the South Pacific Islands. Fiji, Polynesia, Hawaii, Vanuatu, Samoa and Melanesia are some of the Islands that are immersed in kava history. Over the years, the Pacific Islanders have adapted the purposes of drinking it as they have learned more about kava's benefits. The traditional uses of kava include medicinal, religious and cultural reasons. Drinking kava for social reasons was also quite popular, but not in all...

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